via Blogger Blog Templates by (Bhavika) on 3/1/10
Remix Zone is a 3 column theme created by Simplywp and ported to blogger by Anshul. The theme has a simple and neat design that can be used for personal or photo blog.
![Remix Zone Blog Skin](
The blog title appears on top with a one-line description and on the right are the RSS and Twitter icons, so you can keep your readers updated with the latest posts and events. To activate Twitter icon, go to Edit Html, search for the code below and add your twitter id.
The horizontal menu bar can be used to place the default links - Home, About, Contact, and can be accessed from Edit Html, search for the following code and add the relevant links -
Remix Zone allows you to display your five featured posts on top with an image and headline below it. You can add the images and links from Layout-Page Elements and click edit for each widget and don't give any title to the widget.
In the main column the post details like date stamp, labels and comments appear below the headline. While in the two sidebars on the right, each heading comes in a orange box, and you can add blogger widgets of your choice.
Download the Remix Zone Blog Skin