tramite Blogger Blog Templates di (Bhavika) il 20/08/10
Work-a-holic is a 3 column theme designed by Graph Paper Press and brought to blogger by Anshul. It primarily focuses on showcasing photos or designs of bloggers, illustrators, designers etc.
The theme has a minimalistic and neat layout with easy navigation for users. The menu bar is adjacent to the blog title, and the search box is placed on extreme right. You can include a welcome message for your readers, which is above the main post area, and next to it is the Twitter widget showing your latest update. To activate Twitter, go to Design--Edit Html and look for the below code and replace it with your username -
The 3-column photo gallery automatically displays image from your post with the headline and labels. Also included in the template are the social bookmarking icons under each post. The right sidebar can be used to display your recent photos or labels.
Work-a-holic also has a 3 column footer, appearing only on the home page, that is completely widgetized. It simply gives you extra space to add more features on your photo blog.
Download the Work-a-holic Blogspot Theme