Wednesday, February 9, 2011

New Shortcodes Added To All Themes

Today, all of our themes have been updated with a few changes to the Shortcodes Collection. First of all, we have gone through and made many updates to our existing shortcodes. These updates include various bug fixes and code optimizations. If you have experienced any major bugs with the shortcodes in the past, we hope that this update resolves those issues. On top of that, we have added some great new shortcodes to the collection as per your requests! Five new shortcodes have been added, including: Custom Lists, Pricing Tables, Testimonials, Dropcaps and Quotes.

Custom Icon Lists

We have added a few different list styles that can be applied to any list you make. Simply wrap the list in the [ custom_list] shortcode and choose your icon type (green check mark, red x or gray dot). The list will then be formatted accordingly.

Corporate Pricing Tables

The new pricing tables offer you a beautiful way to showcase your various products and how their features and prices compare with each other. What before would have been a complicated HTML endeavor can now be created quickly and easily using the [ pricing_table] shortcode. Using this shortcode you can list features differentiated with the green check or red x, adjust the table titles and descriptions, change the price and adjust the button text and URL. You can also choose between two pricing table styles (big and small).


The new testimonials shortcode gives you an easy way to show your visitors what your customers think about your product. Gaining the trust of your viewers is important, and now it's easier than ever to create styled testimonial blurbs on any of your posts or pages.


Dropcaps are a simply typographic technique that will spice up and give hierarchy to your post copy. Simply wrap a letter at the beginning of your paragraph with the drop cap shortcode and it will become nested within the body content. You can then apply any style that you want to the letter, allowing you to change its size, color and font face.


One thing that our themes have been lacking are well-formatted quotes. This problem has now been solved with new quote shortcode which comes in two different styles.